I don’t know if it’s
just me, but I’ve heard countless times, “You have to travel while you’re
Do I have to?
And you will never
regret it.
When you are young
you have such a bounty of opportunity. You have so
much freedom. You have the choice. The 9-5 job will always be there when you
come back, I promise you. Regardless, nothing makes a resume sparkle like
international experience. You will receive numerous positions based on the
sheer ambition you have to travel the world. And you’ll be doing something
different, you crazy explorer!
When you are young
you do not have excuses. Yes, you might have a major
student loan. Yes, you might have a girlfriend. So what? Money should never be
an excuse. And if she’s worth it, she will still be there. You won’t always be
young, and life won’t always be about you. If you have responsibilities and
obligations now, just imagine how bogged down you will be in the future- take
the opportunity, you young light soul!
When you are young
you have so much to learn. You’ve just spent
your entire life in the school system, and you think that was an education?
Imagine standing in the middle of the Colosseum, and in the same day walking
the halls of the Sistine Chapel. You’ve studied Rome, but breathing in history
is something else. You might have majored in Spanish, but you only learn
first-hand in Cadiz how to correctly execute the spanish lisp. And you will
understand being educated is different than becoming cultured.
When you are young
you need to experience compassion. Many of you have
become so blinded by your consumerism filled lives, you forget to be thankful.
But if you pass through San Jose, Costa Rica, you might see humans eating
trash. A man with a machine gun guarding your hotel door. And it will break
your heart. And you will re-learn the word privilege. Because that is what you
are, if you’ve got food and shelter, you are privileged. And it will humble
When you are young
you are more approachable. If you are blonde,
you will most likely be followed by a mysterious Croatian man who will propose
to you. And if you are a girl you will probably be overwhelmed with attention-
most often unwanted. But it will make you stronger. And chances are, these
encounters will all turn into incredibly interesting stories.
When you are young
you are ready to be empowered. You finally get to do
what you want. The world is a stunning place, and it’s ever ready to be your
playground. You want to go save the turtles? Do it. You want to backpack
Europe? No better time. You will dip your feet in crystal clear water in the
French Riviera. You will race with your friends in dark streets to catch the
last bus into Athens. You will be invited into the Sacromonte cave homes in
Granada and encounter real gypsies. You will develop fast-deep relationships.
You will depend on an Aussie and an Irish lad to keep you safe while enjoying a
semi-dangerous Puerto Viejo. You will travel solo and fall in love with
yourself. And that’s what it’s all about.
You could grow old
and always regret not taking the opportunity to go out and explore. Or you
could grow old and be that Cool Uncle with all the awesome stories of the
ins-and-outs of Amsterdam. And you are young, and it is finally your choice.
You can do whatever you want with your life.
But you’ve said yes
to many things in the past that didn’t mean a whole lot. Yes to showing up to
an 8am class for information you can’t regurgitate today. Yes to paying for an
outrageous bar tab- a round of drinks for the cute sorority girls who didn’t
give you their numbers. Yes to buying into fashion and dropping hundreds on a
dress that is so unique you can only wear once.
So why not say yes to travel?
Traveling will change
you like nothing else you could imagine.
It will mean a whole
lot. Guaranteed.
So, chase the life of
adventure. Get to know the world.
Sparkle with
wanderlust. Just do it. While you still can.
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